The Dress

Featured on Southern Sweden Design Days 2022 Featured on Southern Sweden Design Days 2022 Featured on Southern Sweden Design Days 2022


The Dress is an interactive wearable garment that uses ultrasonic sensors to protect the user from unwanted touch. The wearable uses three different types of outputs, all inspired by defense mechanisms from the animal kingdom. Features of the dress include spikes, inspired by porcupines, a scent diffuser, inspired by skunks, and a camera, inspired by butterflies’ eye patterns on their wings.


This system was designed during an Embodied Interaction project and emphasizes speculative design. The extreme and sarcastic prototype was made in order to bring awareness to the issue of unwanted touch. During the project, research was done including workshops about gestures, that would help the user give consent or protect themselves. Furthermore, emphasis was put in where users feel comfortable with touch and how they react, to bring the project closer to the human body. 

The design


The Dress has three proximity sensors connected to outputs that create the defense mechanisms. In order to get the dress to work autonomously, the proximity sensors are connected to a diffuser, servo motor as well as a mini-webcam. The system uses an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense to run the prototype. Additionally, the dress uses a lot of recycled materials, such as a second-hand dress and a nicotine pouch container for the humidifier.

Radio BullaUX/UI design

The DressInteraction design

KnävlingagilletGraphic design

Studio PhotographyPhotography

AI Lund & SAABGraphic design


Patryk Banach

© Patryk Banach 2024
Designer / Developer
